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OM Basics: creating data, navigating, rearranging, editing
- Press "1" and create an entity, at least a few times, for things one might want to organize, like TO-DOs or notes on a topic.
- Observe how these new entries you have created are all automatically assigned letters on the menu. You can press those letters to navigate.
- You can also press ESC to leave a menu and go to its containing entity's menu. Try navigating around the system, then go back to your sandbox.
- If you get lost
- The highlighted entry is indicated by an asterisk (*) in the left margin. Try highlighting different entries in the menu by pressing "8" then the entry letter.
- With any entry highlighted, press "2", read the resulting options, and move it up or down. Practice moving things around until it is quick and easy.
- Sometimes one entry really belongs inside another, because it provides more info about it. Press "7", and mark an entity as the target for moving another in.
- Observe that the target entry now has a "+" sign in the left margin. Notice which entry is highlighted (*) and which one is the targed (+).
- Press "2" then "7" (i.e., 27) to move the highlighted entity into the target. Press the target's menu letter to see that the other entity was moved there.
- You can move it back "up" with 28.
- This kind of rearranging can be fast, once you have practiced the keystrokes. So it makes notetaking or brainstorming work go easily and quickly.
- But keep your eyes on the screen as much as you can, so that you are really doing what you think you are doing (because you can do a lot in a few keystrokes).
- With an entity highlighted (*), press 3 to edit it. Press things like Ctrl+a, Ctrl+e, Alt+b, Alt+f, Home, or End (or arrow keys), to move the cursor quickly.
- To delete an entity, press 94 then read the screen. This acts on the entity whose menu is displayed and whose name is in the header, not the highlighted entry.
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