Quick instructions for debian (& hopefully derivatives like ubuntu, mint.... tested on: debian 7 wheezy, 8 jessie) ------------------------------------------ If you run into problems, or for working with the source code, see the fully detailed INSTALLING document (either at the onemodel.org web site or in github) and go through it carefully. Please let us know if you find errors in either document. Patches welcome (see the file CONTRIBUTING)!. Do these as root (adapting to your situation if needed, for example if you have postgres 9.5 instead of 9.4, then change that in directory paths given below, etc): aptitude install postgresql-contrib aptitude install openjdk-7-jre cp -p /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf-original vi /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf (or its equivalent on your system). In that file, comment out (with a # at the beginning of the line) all other lines below "Put your actual configuration here" to limit other connections to the system, *except DO NOT change* the one that says local all postgres peer ...which is required for administrative access. After "Put your actual configuration here" add these exact 4 lines, substituting the system username in which you will use OM for "<username>" in all four places here. (The intent of the first 2 lines is that the only person who can connect to OM under your username is the person already logged in to your system-level user account; the next 2 lines allow unit tests to run against test data only.) host om_<username> <username> md5 local om_<username> <username> md5 host om_testrunner testrunner password local om_testrunner testrunner password There must be no conflicting lines above or below those, because when postgresql interprets the file there is no drop-through or default behavior, so the first matching line wins. Then run: /etc/init.d/postgresql restart Then from the root account, become the postgres user: su - postgres And as postgres, substituting your username as before, run these lines: createdb om_<yourusername> psql om_<yourusername> ...then in the psql CLI application that should be running now, run these commands (substituting username as marked; and NOTE: the 'x' is an x in two single-quotes, not with any double-quote or ", and NOT with "om_" in it, ie NOT: create role om_<yourusername>..., and don't forget the semicolon): create role <yourusername> with createdb login encrypted password 'x'; grant create on schema public to <yourusername>; create role t1 with createdb login encrypted password 't1'; grant create on schema public to t1; create extension lo; ...and exit psql with "\q". (If you have multiple users on the system and these users are not fully trusted, see the file INSTALLING for details about the previous "grant" commands.) Now still as the postgres user, run the command: createdb om_testrunner -O testrunner Now run the command: psql om_testrunner ...and inside that psql session run this: create extension lo; ...& exit psql again with "\q". Then exit from the _postgresql account. You are responsible for local administration and backups, using the postgresql documentation as needed ( http://www/postgresql.org/docs/ ). Feel free to discuss on the mailing list for more information in case handy tips are available. I can at least provide how I back up (dump) my database if that helps. RUNNING IT:--------------------------------------------- Don't do this as root, but under your own username. Put the jar in a directory, say, /home/<yourusername>/onemodel In a terminal window, cd to that directory. Run "java -jar <thejarname>", for example: java -jar onemodel-0.0.6.jar If you have problems you can ^C to get out. If the terminal stops working after that, type "reset" to make it let you type normally again (due to a terminal setting bug in OM). In the source code (at github) is the script I use, called like /home/<user/onemodel/bin/om . Then for convenience I put that directory in my path by updating that user's ~/.bashrc file, since I use bash. OTHER TIPS:------------------------------------------------------- -If you make some changes in subgroups, then ESCape back to a group which suddenly doesn't look right (has too few entries or something), then you can see the right entries by ESCaping from the incorrectly displayed group then going back into it. It's an infrequent bug. If you learn a way to reproduce it consistently, let me know. Troubleshooting (add any of these 2 web site, remove all these from INSTALLING file?): -Make sure you did everything above, including checking the full INSTALLING file. Triple-check it, really. -This happened once, only after a later postgresql version was installed without fully removing the old version first: in postgresql.conf I had to change the port from 5433 to 5432 (on openbsd, that would mean first copying the file from the examples directory; see above for other such files copied for mor info). It probably was set to 5433 on installation because I still had the config files on disk from the earlier installation, so it used the next available port. -It seems unlikely, but on some systems you might have to open port 5432 for postgresql on a firewall. If this is true you probably already know. -If anyone works interactively with the same postgresql instance as is used for your OneModel installation, and OneModel seems to hang (freeze), see if someone has left a transaction uncommitted. -If something really annoying happens (due to some bug) and you can't get out, you can always ^C and go back in (and report what happened, exact details of all messages, and how to consistently reproduce it). Resources including email lists for discussion are at http://www.onemodel.org .
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(Content generated selectively from a OneModel instance.)